What can I do with a Honda that was never be done before?

1950$ CAD

Some engine work had to be done.

Running Subaru.

The Subaru frame with some renforcement before cutting. The frame was straight, only the front part was bent in the crash and if you know how it works, the bent part was in front of the tower so this is not a major issue to make it straight. All the measurement was done before cutting, like the wheelbase and the X under the car and on top.

Why the body swap and not the mechanical swap? For the geometry and the strength of the Subaru chassis. All the measurement was done to respect a tolerance up to 1/16 everywhere.

A picture is worth a thousands words.

New rocker panel and door jam.

The reinforcement was necessary since the Honda is far less strength than the Subaru. I made it with 2x1 steel tubes. This is NOT the best choice for racing application, I know that. But for the reinforcement needed, IMO it's enough. I can be wrong and I'm willing to pay the price if I am. I will assume my responsibility if something happens. The roof needed to be reinforced, if you look at the struture of the Subaru roof, you will understand why so much steel was added. 20$ for all the tubing, remember thight budget and this is very the easy to fix all the inside trim since is flat and lower. The paint doesn’t look good because it was -10 Celsius when I done that. (14 Fahrenheit)

The reinforcement was built in mind for a crash without any protection, so this is why the front still have the deformation zone and the air bag will be operationnal very soon. The roof is not overkill since the Subaru roof is overkill in the beginning. The rear section, the reinforcement doesn’t go to the rail frame to make sure the deformation will occur in case of a crash. The triangle will go down if I’m hit hard enough. From the firewall to the rear shock tower, this is very strong and this is how car are built, to protect the passenger and absorb the most energy of a crash from the deformation zone.

I use the original dash support.

Since I use the original firewall, the angle of the windsheild is different.

I used the original location of the Subaru.

Shaved top.

Orignal Subaru muffler.

The orignal wheels of the Subaru was too bent to be repared. I buy these for 200$ with new tire. I will go with smaller tire soon.

Without the flash and whit the flash...

I was looking to use the Honda interior, but after some thinking the time needed to do it was not worth it.

Front fender work. The Subaru have a whellbase shorter than the Civic, exactly 1,9 inch.

The angle is different.

So much fun!

Not finished on this picture but you can see how much work the front fender was. I would like to thanks the old girl, Becca Mig, she have like 20 years and still do the job. The funniest thing, this is the same mig I use 10 years ago on my Chevrolet Nova Project.

The Nova project, 10 years ago, 15 000$, 2 years of work, sold it as is in 2003. Engine 455 CID Oldmobile, 10 points real roll cage, th-400 full manual, etc. I miss her sometime... I've done other projects, but this one and the Cibaru are the most interessting.

Inside the fender with gravel guard protection.

High... why not use adjustable coil-over suspension? The cost of the suspension. I replace the old one by used one, 30 000 km with STI coil spring for 120$.

I was looking to NOT install the scoop, but the space aviable fail me. The only way to put a FMIC was to move the radiator in the back... All the piping will be a nightmare and I will never remove the reinforcement beam bumper to install a FMIC. The FMIC is less efficient than the mount top intercooler but yes I would like to have no scoop.

I decide not to pay for the paint shop because I don't care about the small imperfection. Since is satin black, they are hard to find and the car will be always dirty. I'm not a big fan of washing my car every day, if I wash it twice in the summer, I will be proud of myself. I wash my mountain bike every ride, that mean almost every day, that what we call "priority in life"! The paint is urethane with a flatening agent.

Gap close up. The car is not perfect but closes enough for me since this is not a show car and I will never go on a show car or meeting or stuff like that. To be perfect, maybe one month or more of labor, not interested.

Almost there!

The gas spout fill up is from a Dodge Colt 200 1990 and the exhaust is the original Subaru because I don't want something to loud. I put an angle at the pipe because I like how it look. The windows are paint from the inside with urethane paint. Why? Because I wanted something dark and you can’t get darker than that! No need to pay attention to the trim at the back since no one can’t see. Cheap way to save time and money.

Windsheild on.

The everyday look in the summer. I decide to use this winter since the weight is pretty much the same as the WRX.

Fresh fuel. When I arrive at the gas station, I parked the car on the wrong side and I started laughing…

Do I still like the satin black color? Dirty but I like it.

Rough but do the job for hidden the majority of the reinforcement for now.

WRX 2004 (CAD) 1,401 (3,090)
New weight 1,350 (2,970) full of gas
Lighter of 54,5 (120)

The front bumper is on hold, I just paint it quickly with spay can paint to be black since eveyone was looking at it.
Update April 26
I'm tired working on the car and I just want to enjoy my works. I need to fix all the minor troubles that came out with all my road test (over 300 km now). The car will make a lot of travel this summer so it’s very important that all the mechanical stuff is perfect. I really don’t care what peoples think about the car or the how I did it. Like I said, I take the time to make the thread for you as a source of motivation or idea for your project, nothing more.